

Premiere: February 8, 2015 - Premieres of the Dance Theater Studio | Department of Culture Animation and Andragogy UZ | Zielona Góra

... a woman who is afraid to be

too light, leaks through fingers

she cries every night

she wants to be polite, she nods at the table

embarrassed every day

the roses run down her shoulders

she tried by all means

finally stripped of femininity is born ...

(fragment of Karolina Rosocka's works)


She and her bridesmaids sinned. Because he didn't want to. Suddenly they were in purgatory. Neither did they know that all offenses were written down on muddy pieces of paper. Sins. After all, no one is holy, she thought. She decided to dance and pay tribute to her liberation. She knew she was innocent. Maybe not. Dirty. Hands, face and petticoat. Because there were many of them and they were already burning once, and dirt was sticking to their flesh. She tried to explain. She did not agree with what she read ... Because life is a matter of decisions we make. Because the bride always has to look beautiful. Bridesmaids too.

Choreography and direction: Marek Zadłużny

Choreographer's assistant: Radosław Bajon

Time: 20min

Premiere cast: Kalina Grupa, Julita Polańska, Paulina Niemiec, Karolina Pachurka, Julia Piwowarczyk, Agata Kierońska, Natalia Dziadek, Julia Aramowicz


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