

Premiere: 08/05/2018 - Premieres of the Dance Theater Studio 2018 | Lubuski Theater | Zielona Góra



how much | you are | in | able | raise

raise | each other

The experience of the crisis became the leading axis of the project. Emotional states accompanying man in extreme conditions provoked us to consider the essence of coping with a difficult situation, which is universal, but at the same time very diverse.

In terms of meaning, the play's inspiration was the theory of positive disintegration by Kazimierz Dąbrowski, which says that a characteristic feature of a human being is a natural tendency to develop, and that the developmental instinct that breaks down the original structure seeks to rebuild unity at a higher level. As a result of dealing with a crisis, it is not uncommon for a richer, fuller personality to be formed, which is characterized by manifestations of creativity and partial seeds of secondary invention. Positive disintegration is a process that is the basis of other processes in human development. In order to pass a lower level of development and jump to a higher one, the individual must disorganize the structures and primitive activities to a greater or lesser extent.

Choreography and direction: Marek Zadłużny and the band

Visualizations: Joanna Fuczko

Costumes concept: Radosław Bajon

Time: 60min

Current cast:

Magdalena Bębenek, Kinga Górska, Kalina Grupa, Natalia Hass, Agata Dąbrowna, Marek Zadłużny, Radosław Bajon, Gabriel Zaborniak

Premiere cast:

Agnieszka Jodłowska, Magdalena Bębenek, Kinga Górska, Kalina Grupa, Natalia Hass, Julita Polańska, Martyna Blachowska, Agata Dąbrowna, Marek Zadłużny, Radosław Bajon, Gabriel Zaborniak


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08.05.2018 – Premiery Pracowni Teatru Tańca 2018 | Lubuski Teatr | Zielona Góra