You ask me - what is sadness,
I'll tell you if you are curious
Sorrow is a little girl
Which sits in the snow
And she looks surprised at the traces.
This is sadness.
You ask me - what is joy,
I'll tell you if you are curious
Joy is a little girl
Which pisses into the coffee
And she looks surprised at the traces.
This is joy.
(Cabaret Mumio - Sorrow)
The theme of the project is love. Feeling culturally perceived as the meaning of human life. Its various faces became the starting point for a creative process aimed at movement interpretation through the prism of the personal experiences of each team member
Choreography and direction: Marek Zadłużny and the band
Time: 25min
Premiere cast: Justyna Śmietańska , Agnieszka Jodłowska , Marta Pelińska , Katarzyna Pawlak , Kalina Grupa , Łukasz Szpilski , Marek Zadłużny , Radosław Bajon
03.07.2016 – 19 Festiwal Teatru Otwartego | Świdnicki Ośrodek Kultury | Świdnica
20.05.2016 – IV Ogólnopolski Festiwal Alternatywnych Teatrów Tańca – Otwórz Oczy | Teatr Rondo | Słupsk
26.02.2016 – Sfera Ruchu Z2016G | Zakład Animacji Kultury i Andragogiki UZ | Zielona Góra