Snow covered all roads today
The innocence of a white cloak
I will not find your traces
I don't have you forever
(Kayah & Bregovic - Nie ma, nie ma Ciebie)
A wedding that never happened. Wedding guests performing the ceremony. And she. Bride. He is not here.
Ederlezi is a legend and one of the most Balkan pieces of music.
The song tells about the night of May 6, which is the celebration of spring in the tradition of the Roma.
Directed by Małgorzata Kazińska
Choreography: Marek Zadłużny
Costumes concept: Radosław Bajon
Time: 30min
Premiere cast: Justyna Śmietańska, Agnieszka Jodłowska, Marta Pelińska, Katarzyna Pawlak, Kalina Grupa, Kinga Górska, Natalia Zaleszczak, Julita Polańska, Karolina Pachurka, Dorota Margalska, Martyna Blachowska, Łukasz Szpilski, Radosław Bajon, Gabriel Zaborniak
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14.04.2016 – Ogólnopolskie Forum Placówek Wychowania Pozaszkolnego | Lubuski Teatr | Zielona Góra
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