4 stories
4 incidents
4 personalities
It's about becoming ... Finding yourself and being someone else. Making a decision. Because I have a worm in me. I am him. I'm a man. The explored topic of masculinity has become a pretext for us to look for an existential answer to what we are today. However, further, for each of us, participation in the performance has become an individual form of expression about our masculinity. Men discovering men. Searching for male identity.
Choreography and direction: Marek Zadłużny and the band
Based on the solo choreography by Paweł Matyasik entitled "Short Days"
Time: 35min
The premiere cast: Marek Zadłużny , Radosław Bajon , Gabriel Zaborniak
04.08.2016 – Barlinek Lubi Teatr | Barlinecki Ośrodek Kultury | Barlinek
18.06.2016 – Sfera Ruchu Toruń | Młodzieżowy Dom Kultury w Toruniu | Toruń
21.05.2016 – IV Ogólnopolski Festiwal Alternatywnych Teatrów Tańca – Otwórz Oczy | Teatr Rondo | Słupsk
11.03.2016 – Ponoworoczne Konfrontacje Teatralne – POKOT | Teatr im. J. Osterwy | Gorzów Wlkp.
26.02.2016 – Sfera Ruchu Z2016G | Zakład Animacji Kultury i Andragogiki UZ | Zielona Góra